抗冻电缆产品主要技术特点Technique features
输送电力时,不会对周围电气设备产生干扰;也消除了外来电磁干扰对连接在本电缆上的电气设备的影响,能避免强大雷电磁效应电压所导致的击穿或损坏,提高了高层建筑避雷效果和可靠性; 能提高线路首端过流保护装置的灵敏度,使电缆及接在其上的电器设备得到有效的保护; 具有较低且均匀的正(逆)序和低序阻抗,有利于改善铜电品质。
There is no interference on the surounding electrical equipments, when power transmitting. The electromagnetic interference on the electrical equipments connected with the cable can be removed. It can improve lightning capacity of the high-rise becauce it can avoid puncture or damage causing by electromagnetic efficiency voltage. It can improve the sensitivity of overcurrent petector on the head of the cable, which can protect the cable and the electrical equipments. It can rise transmitting condition because of low and even positive (negative)- sequence impedance and zero-sequence impedance.
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适用于无芯电缆的TN-C和TN-C-S系统供电。 能尽快消除因一相绝缘击穿而发生的接地故障;加工方便,柔软性高,易于施工,可降低成本。
The product can be used in TN-C andTN-C-S system. It can remove earth fault cauing by one phase insulation puncture. The product is flexible, convenient to processing and easy to installation, which can reduce the costs.
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- YFFRP22柔性丁晴电缆
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- H1Z2Z2-K 1*4电缆应用
- ZA-NA-KVVR 2*1.5电缆应用
- ZA-RC-HFFRPY 2x1.5电缆应用
- ZA-YFFR丁晴电缆性能
- ZB-YFFRP22丁晴电缆性能